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7 Common Homebuyer Regrets (And How to Avoid Them)

Most new homebuyers don’t regret becoming homeowners. But that doesn’t mean newly minted homeowners don’t have any regrets about their buying choices. Here are some of the most common homebuyer regrets we see, along with our professional advice on how to avoid them.

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Renovate or Relocate? 3 Questions to Help You Decide

Does your current home no longer serve your needs? If so, you may be torn between relocating to a new home or renovating your existing one. This can be a difficult choice, and there is a lot to consider—including potential costs, long-term financial implications, and quality of life. Let us take a closer look at some of the factors you should consider before you decide.

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National Real Estate Market Update for 2023

Higher rates had the immediate impact of dampening homebuyer affordability and demand. But this year, we’re seeing further repercussions, homeowners have been pushing off plans to sell because they feel beholden to their existing, lower mortgage rates.

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Stress-Free Home Cleaning: 27 Practical Tactics for Busy Households

Keeping a clean and orderly home is a challenge for many of us. Between busy work schedules, social obligations, and family commitments, it’s tough to keep up with daily chores—let alone larger seasonal tasks.
In this Blog Post we’ve rounded up our favorite tactics for keeping things tidy without spending all our spare time cleaning.

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Why your home isn't slling and what to do

My Home is not Selling! Now What?

Selling a home is not that simple and homeowners can end up stuck for months with a property that has not sold. In this blog post, we outline the top five reasons a home doesn’t sell and action steps you can take to overcome each of these issues.

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Top 6 Home Design Trends to Watch in 2023

We’ve rounded up six trends that we think will influence interior design in 2023, as well as ideas for how you might incorporate them in your own home. Remember, before taking action, it’s always wise to consult with a real estate professional to understand how specific updates and upgrades will affect your property’s value in your local market.

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2023 Real Estate Market Outlook

2023 Real Estate Market Outlook (And What It Means for You)

What can we expect in 2023? Will mortgage rates continue to climb? Could home prices come crashing down? While this is one of the more challenging real estate periods to forecast, here is what several industry experts predict will happen to the U.S. housing market in the coming year.

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